About the 'Beleef de Lente' Project
The live webcams are provided thanks to the generous support of the Vogelbescherming Netherlands project 'Beleef de Lente' (you can spot the organization’s emblem in the broadcasts). Throughout the spring, the project receives backing from donations and volunteer efforts.
Camera temporarily suspended until 2025. We look forward to welcoming you back to next year's breeding season!
The Kestrel is a small bird of prey of the falcon family weighing between 156-252g with pointed wings which span approximately 75cm, and a long tail. They have brown and buff coloured feathers and are resident on many different types of land including urban areas. Kestrels do not build their own nests, but will use old or disused ones from other species who nest build with sticks, and readily accept purpose built nest boxes. They do tend to use the same nest site year on year so hopefully we will be fortunate to have this nest webcam for years to come.
As with many birds, the timing of their eggs is weather dependent, but usually a clutch of 3-6 eggs will appear in late April. Eggs are laid two days at two day intervals other and then an incubation period of around 27-29 days per egg starts after the third egg is laid. Generally the male will provide all the food for the female and chicks during the nesting period, until the young are strong enough for the female to leave the nest. Healthy chicks will start to fledge around 4 weeks of age but will return back and forth for a further 4 weeks or so for food until they are competent to catch their own!
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