Redstart Webcam

About the 'Beleef de Lente' Project

The live webcams are provided thanks to the generous support of the Vogelbescherming Netherlands project 'Beleef de Lente' (you can spot the organization’s emblem in the broadcasts). Throughout the spring, the project receives backing from donations and volunteer efforts.

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Camera temporarily suspended until 2025. We look forward to welcoming you back to next year's breeding season!

The Jackdaw is a small bird, black in colour, and a member of the crow family. They have a distinctive sheen to the back of their head, and pale grey eyes.

Jackdaws can often be found in fields, woods, parks and gardens. They are present throughout the UK and Ireland but not in the Scottish Highlands.

Jackdaw nests are often lined with hair, wool and grass. They lay on average between 4 and 5 eggs. The eggs are incubated by the female for 17-18 days. The chicks will then be fed by both parents in the nest until they fledge after 28-35 days. The parents will then continue to feed the chicks for another four weeks or so.

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