Green Partners

For over 35 years our in-house naturalists have been instrumental in designing and developing our high quality products for wildlife and in guiding customers to create the perfect haven for their visitors. In addition to this expertise we often bring in specialist help particularly when developing foods or feeders for a specific species. Over the years this has brought us into contact with many like-minded organisations and we have worked hard to ensure our activities benefit both organisations.
Some ways in which we work with organisations include Project sponsorships, Research projects and product trials, Licencing agreements, Affiliate schemes, Reciprocal marketing and promotional activities, Members' offers plus many more.

Protecting nature together

Green partners of Vivara all around EuropeGreen partners of Vivara all around Europe


National TrustNational Trust

National Trust

As Europe's largest conservation organisation, National Trust cares for nature, its beauty and history for all to enjoy. It does this with the help of millions of members, volunteers, staff and donors. This enables miles of coastline, forests, landscapes and the hundreds of historic buildings, gardens and precious collections to be protected. In 1895, founders Octavia Hill, Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley made a commitment to preserve historic sites and natural landscapes. Their goal was not only to preserve them, but also to make them accessible to all. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with National Trust we have developed a licensed product range. Each year we work together on 5 major campaigns. We also support the Attingham Park Bird Hide Project with donations, marketing activities and volunteering.

Butterfly ConservationButterfly Conservation

Butterfly Conservation

Butterfly Conservation is dedicated to saving butterflies and their habitats in the UK. The aim is to conserve and enhance landscapes for butterflies. The organisation advises landowners and operators on habitat conservation and restoration. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with Butterfly Conservation there are various projects and activities, for example we have been a sponsor for the Great Butterfly Census in the past.



Buglife is dedicated to the conservation of all invertebrates: bees, beetles, worms, woodlice, jumping spiders and jellyfish. Buglife stands for practical conservation work, especially in the UK. With so many species, Buglife prioritises, which means that at the moment the focus is mainly on pollinators and freshwater habitats. A big part of this work is leading by example and finding ways to conserve species and then sharing these actions with others. Many of these best practice projects were subsequently adopted by national and local governments and gained influence as a result. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with Buglife there are various projects and activities, we are happy to donate products for various actions.

Bat Conservation TrustBat Conservation Trust

Bat Conservation Trust

Bat Conservation Trust is dedicated solely to the conservation of bats and the habitats they depend on. The organisation supports local bat groups in the UK and has almost 5,000 members. Bat Conservation Trust works with volunteers, scientists, industry and government at both local and national levels on a range of projects. The aim is to achieve a wildlife-rich world where bats and people live together. The work focuses on taking action to protect bats and improve the landscapes they depend on, getting people excited about bats and their environment, engaging them in their conservation, building knowledge and increasing understanding. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with Bat Conservation there are various projects and activities, we are happy to donate products for various campaigns.

Mammal SocietyMammal Society

Mammal Society

Mammal Society is an organisation dedicated exclusively to the study and conservation of all native mammals, with a focus on the study and conservation of mammals and their habitat. Mammal Society conducts research, provides information and resources, and undertakes conservation projects and activities. The aim is to raise public awareness of mammal conservation and support it through education, communication and campaigns. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with Bat Conservation there are various projects and activities, we are happy to donate products for various campaigns.

BTO British Trust for OrnithologyBTO British Trust for Ornithology

BTO British Trust for Ornithology

British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is a UK organisation focused on understanding birds and in particular how and why bird populations change. Their vision is a world where people are inspired by birds and informed by science. BTO is primarily concerned with the study, monitoring and conservation of birds and their habitats. The organisation conducts various surveys and studies to collect data on bird populations, migration patterns, breeding behaviour and more. This information serves as a basis for conservation measures, policy decisions and ornithological research. In addition, BTO also works with the public through citizens' groups, educational programmes and bird-watching events. Read more here.

How do we work together?

Together with Bat Conservation there are various projects and activities, we are happy to donate products for various campaigns.


Vogelbescherming NederlandVogelbescherming Nederland

Vogelbescherming (Bird protection Netherlands)

Vogelbescherming Nederland (VBN) is a Dutch nature conservation organisation that works to protect wild birds and their habitats. Bird protection by VBN does not only take place in the Netherlands, the organisation is also active abroad. Special emphasis is placed on the contribution that every individual can make to protect wild birds.

How do we work together?

Together with VBN, we have developed a large licensed range of products for wild birds, which can be found in the VBN webshop. We are responsible for the maintenance of the webshop. Together with VBN we generate donations for nature conservation and do educational work about the protection of local wildlife and nature.

De VlinderstichtingDe Vlinderstichting

Vlinderstichting (Butterfly foundation)

Vlinderstichting is a Dutch organisation that focuses on the protection of butterflies and dragonflies. The measures are not only limited to nature reserves, but also to domestic gardens. Knowledge dissemination, education, protection and advice are the focus of Vlinderstichting not only in the Netherlands but throughout Europe.

Egelbescherming NederlandEgelbescherming Nederland

Egelbescherming Nederland (Hedgehog protection Netherlands)

Egelbescherming Nederland focuses on the protection of hedgehogs. The organisation provides the public with a lot of information on hedgehog conservation. They also run a rescue centre for the care and rehabilitation of hedgehogs that would not survive on their own due to diseases, injuries, etc.
How do we work together?

Together with Egelbescherming Nederland we have developed nature conservation products for hedgehogs that are adapted to the special needs of the animals.

Eekhoornopvang NederlandEekhoornopvang Nederland

Eekhornopvang Nederland (Squirrel protection Netherlands)

Eekhornopvang Nederland focuses on the protection of squirrels. The organisation provides the public with a lot of information on squirrel protection. They also run a sanctuary for the care and rehabilitation of squirrels that would not survive on their own due to diseases, injuries etc.
How do we work together?

Together with Eekhornopvang Nederland we have developed nature conservation products for squirrels that are adapted to the specific needs of the animals.


RAVON (Reptiles Amphibians Fish Research Netherlands)

For 35 years, RAVON has been the independent non-profit conservation organisation that, together with many volunteers, protects native reptiles, amphibians and fish as well as their habitats. The organisation is mainly active in research. The knowledge is then used to advise, carry out projects and work towards better policy and legislation.

Zoogdierenvereniging (Mammal Society)

Zoogdierenvereniging has been working for the research and protection of wild mammals and their habitats in the Netherlands since 1952. The organisation brings together people who actively want to generate and disseminate knowledge about mammals and who are committed to mammal conservation.
IVN NatuureducatieIVN Natuureducatie


IVN Natuureducatie connects people and nature. For the organisation, the focus is on people experiencing for themselves how beautiful, healthy and important nature is. They organise nature activities, courses, projects and campaigns. Education about nature conservation and nature experiences are always at the centre.
How do we work together?

FFor the IVN Natuureducatie organisation, we often act as sponsors for projects and provide products (school and children's projects, project at Gaia Zoo, etc.).



SOVON focuses on the study of birds. Bird populations are constantly changing. Together with thousands of volunteers, Sovon maps the development of bird numbers and distribution. Explanatory research is used to gain knowledge about the causes of these changes. This knowledge is available to researchers, conservationists, policy makers and nature lovers.
How do we work together?

The organisation shares knowledge and research with us so that we can better educate people about bird conservation.



NABU (Environmental Association)

With 660,000 members and supporters, it is the environmental association with the largest membership in Germany and is committed to the conservation of nature nationwide. Concrete nature conservation on the ground is just as much a part of the programme as scientific research. The important basis of NABU remains the voluntary nature conservation work on site: in over 2,000 groups, 37,000 NABU members now work voluntarily for nature and species conservation. In addition, NABU looks after more than 5,000 protected areas throughout Germany; from Fehmarn to Lake Constance, more than 70 NABU nature centres invite visitors to experience nature up close. NABU's youth organisation, the Naturschutzjugend (NAJU), is involved in nature conservation and environmental protection in around 1,500 children's and youth groups. With around 60,000 members, it is the largest youth organisation active in nature conservation in Germany. NABU is the German partner of BirdLife International and a member of the Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR).
How do we work together?

Preserving nature and securing the future is something no one can do alone. That is why NABU is happy to have strong and committed partners like us who also care about nature and with whom we can pursue and achieve common goals. Twice a year, a large bird counting campaign is called for - the "Hour of the Garden Birds" and the "Hour of the Winter Birds", Vivara is a sponsor for these campaigns. The web shop of the nature conservation organisation is also managed by us. NABU's own materials and licensed products with the NABU and LBV logos are offered there. NABU groups have their own active web shop.


LBV (Conservation Association)

Since 1909, nature has been the world of the LBV, NABU's Bavarian partner association. With 75,000 members and supporters, 350 district and local groups, 120 youth groups and 2,750 hectares of its own protected areas throughout Bavaria, LBV is Bavaria's oldest and largest species and biotope conservation association. More than 120 employees support the volunteers on site from 20 offices.

The focal points of the LBV:

Species conservation: Species conservation is one of the LBV's central concerns. Whether storks, otters, orchids, butterflies, newts or bats - the LBV supports the diversity of our animal and plant world with numerous activities. These include counts, the implementation of targeted projects, public relations work and statements on draft legislation.

Landscape and biotope protection: By purchasing and leasing land with the help of the Noah's Ark Fund, the LBV protects rare animal and plant species on more than 3,000 hectares.

Environmental education and public relations: With seminars, exhibitions, excursions, brochures and together with the press, the LBV keeps the public informed about species and biotope protection in Bavaria.

How do we work together?

For the B2B sector, there is a licensed product range with the LBV and NABU logos.


CEN - Conservatoires d'escapes naturelsCEN - Conservatoires d'escapes naturels

CEN (Conservation and protection of nature reserves)

The Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels organisation in France is responsible for the conservation and protection of nature reserves. Its main objective is to conserve and manage different types of natural habitats such as forests, wetlands, meadows and coastal areas. The organisation works to protect biodiversity, including the conservation of endangered species and their habitats. The organisation also focuses on raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices among the public.




Natagora is active in Belgium. Natagora's goal is to protect nature in Wallonia and Brussels. With one big goal: to redevelop biodiversity, in balance with human activities. The main objective is to halt the decline of biodiversity and contribute to the restoration of a better balance between man and nature. Natagora focuses on four priorities: Protection through the management of protected areas, Studies to learn more about the different species, Engagement to address decision makers and Education to train responsible actors.

How do we work together?

For the B2B sector, there is a licensed product range with the LBV and NABU logos.


Natuurpunt (Nature conservation)

Natuurpunt is an independent organisation working for nature conservation in Flanders. Supported by 95,000 members, more than 6,000 volunteers protect threatened plants, animals, habitats and landscapes. For this purpose, hundreds of nature reserves are bought and managed, the state of nature is recorded and discussions are held with politicians. More than two million visitors are welcomed to the nature reserves every year.
How do we work together?

The web shop of the nature conservation organisation is managed by us. Licensed products with the Natuurpunt and Natagora logos are offered there.

Vogelbescherming VlaanderenVogelbescherming Vlaanderen

Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen (Birdprotection Flanderes)

Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen is a Belgian nature conservation organisation that deals not only with birds, but also with issues such as biodiversity and climate change. The main focus is on education and protection. The nature conservation organisation has existed since 1922 and is thus the oldest national nature conservation association.
How do we work together?

The web shop of the nature conservation organisation is managed by us. Licensed products with the Natuurpunt and Natagora logos are offered there.


Djurskyddet SverigeDjurskyddet Sverige

Djurskyddet (Animal Welfare)

Djurskyddet Sverige is the largest animal welfare organisation in Sweden, mainly looking after cats and dogs, but also wild animals (such as hedgehogs and other mammals). It tries to improve animal welfare laws, but also runs animal shelters that care for thousands of homeless pets every year. The nationwide organisation with 42 affiliated local chapters has been volunteering to help animals and strengthen animal welfare for over a hundred years.