Nyjer Seed Feeder

Product Name Price Qty
Challenger 4 Port Plastic Nyjer Feeder SKU 320000111
Defender 4 Port Metal Nyjer Feeder SKU 320300111
2 - 5 working days
SKU G320000111-320300111

Offering Nyjer Seed can help to attract these species to your garden if you have them in the area. The seed is particularly fine - too fine for a standard seed feeder - and should be fed from one of our specialist Nyjer feeders designed with smaller gauge feeding ports than standard seed feeders to minimise the amount of food that is lost from the feeder.

Nyjer Seed was introduced to the European wild bird food market by us many years ago. This fine textured seed, rich in oil, is often regarded as a highly beneficial food for garden birds and is thought to have played a significant role in increasing population numbers of Goldfinch and other declining species, such as Lesser Redpolls in recent years. Offering Nyjer can help to attract these species to your garden if you have them in the area.

We do not recommend purchasing a nyjer feeder unless you already have the species mentioned above visiting your garden.

Feeder heigh: 37cm


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