Balconies are a great way to create a small natural habitat for various wild animals and protect the environment at the same time. By using suitable nature conservation products, those with a balcony can contribute to preserving biodiversity and encouraging a variety of garden animals. Use our practical nature conservation products which are ideal for your balcony and create a valuable habitat for native wildlife!
Transform your balcony into a natural oasis for birds, insects and squirrels in just a few simple steps with our high-quality nature conservation products for wild animals. We'll show you what you need to support and enjoy the wildlife right on your doorstep.
Green ideas for your balcony
Compost bin for everyday wasteA small compost bin on the balcony allows you to recycle kitchen waste such as vegetable and fruit peelings and coffee grounds. The resulting compost is a great natural source of fertiliser for your native plants.
Rainwater utilisationIf you have enough space on your balcony, it would be ideal to install a small water butt on your balcony so you can use rainwater to water your home's plants. You can use this collected rainwater to water your plants and reduce water consumption at the same time.
Cultivate insect-friendly plantsChoose a variety of native flowers, herbs and shrubs that attract insects. These plants serve as a food source for pollinators such as bees, butterflies and beetles.
Bird feeders suitable for your balcony
Hang feeders on your balcony to provide birds with a safe place to drink and eat. We have developed special space-saving feeders for birds feeding on balconies. Some feeders can be mounted directly on the house wall or simply hung up, while others can be easily attached to windows using suction cups.
Some of these are made of Plexiglas, giving you a wonderful view of the colourful goings-on on your balcony. It is important that you ensure that the bird feeder is well protected from the weather and that it is cleaned and refilled regularly.
Some of our practical feeding systems can be attached to a downpipe in just a few simple steps, so that your feathered friends can benefit from a wide selection of food. The all-you-can-eat buffet is ready for your feathered friends! There is guaranteed to be a nutritious treat for every bird species!

A hanging bird bath is ideal for balconies
Bird baths
Have you also thought about bird baths? Bird baths are a good idea in summer and are an ideal source of water during hot spells. In summer, heat and drought can cause birds' natural water sources to dry out. A bird bath provides birds with a reliable and constant source of water to help them stay hydrated.
However, birds not only need water for drinking, but also for bathing. Especially during hot temperatures, it is important that birds have access to clean water, as they also use it to clean their feathers. If you want to provide a bird bath in summer, remember to clean it regularly and refill with fresh water to maintain a clean and healthy environment for the birds.
Place the drinking trough in a clearly visible and safe place so that your wild birds can enjoy the fresh water. Note: Not only your feathered friends will benefit from the water provided, insects will also gratefully welcome this extra water source in the summer months.
Food for climbing experts
Squirrels also like becoming balcony visitors. With the help of our special food and the matching feeders, you can create an additional incentive for rodents with bushy tails to visit your balcony.
Our robust yet attractive food dispensers keep these animals happy and give you the opportunity to observe the cheerful goings-on of these lively little creatures.
Your squirrels will also gladly accept a shallow bowl of fresh drinking water. These daring climbers will definitely be delighted to have this extra water resource handly!

Flowering plants and insect hotels - creating a welcoming environment for wild bees
Insect hotels for our six-legged friends
Numerous studies confirm the dramatic decline in insect populations worldwide. Food and habitats are becoming increasingly scarce for the six-legged creatures. Colourful native plants on your balcony will attract numerous insects - all that's missing is a suitable home!
You can set up insect hotels and butterfly houses on your balcony to provide shelter for our helpful pollinators. These dwellings provide a nesting place and shelter for various insect species such as solitary bees, ladybirds and butterflies.
Our butterfly houses attract busy moths in particular. Most moths, as the name suggests, are highly nocturnal in their activity and play an important role in ecosystems at night, both as pollinators of plants and as a food source for nocturnal animals such as bats and owls.
Flower boxes and planters with native plants
Basically, more is more! Variety is your garden animals' best friend. When planting your balcony, opt for native flowers and plants. These are well adapted to the local environmental conditions and provide food and habitat for native insects such as bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
A colourful mix of native plant species will be appreciated by your insect life! With a colourful array of plants and a diverse profusion of flowers, your balcony will soon be swarming with buzzing and humming insects! Hello biodiversity! Tip: Avoid the use of pesticides at all costs and opt for natural pest control instead.
Balcony - before and after making it friendly for wildlife