(Passer domesticus)

House Sparrow

Often viewed as a mere small brown bird, a closer view reveals a handsome and colourful bird, with a swashbuckling, cheeky-chap character.

About the House Sparrow

The male has a grey crown and nape, edges with chocolate-brown on the sides of the head, black bib and dirty white cheeks. The upper parts are a mixture of browns, buffs and greys, with white wing bars. The female is much duller, with tawny under parts edged with black and subtler shades of brown and grey.


Scientific name Passer domesticus
Family Passeridae
Habitat Urban, suburban and agricultural areas.
Food Hi-Energy No Mess, Hi-Energy Ground Blend, Table Seed (cereal containing products), grain and insects.
Height 14.5cm
Weight 22-32g
Lifespan 1 - 23 years
Breeding time March - August
Nest Untidy, domed, grass with feather lining. In small colonies, beneath roof tile and in enclosed nest boxes (32mm hole).
Sound Twittering and a variety of cheep's and chirrup's.
Characteristics .
Children 3-6, greyish white, speckled brown and grey.